小 方 英 理 子
Ceramic artist based in Tokyo, Japan.
Eriko Ogata graduated from the Musashino Art University in Tokyo. In 2005, she continued her study of pottery at Greenwich House Pottery in New York. After her return to Japan, she started her career as a pottery artist and created sculptures using black mud and clay. She became a favourite artist opening her individual exhibition in Japan and overseas countries. In 2013, she established the brand “eriko ogata" under her own name, and applied her exquisite pottery skills from sculpture art to everyday ceramics.
武蔵野美術大学テキスタイルコース卒業後、2005年より2年間NYに滞在し、Greenwich House Potteryにて陶芸を始める。帰国後は『記憶を留める方法』、『素材と生き物の境界線』、『編み模様の意味』などをテーマに、黒泥土や磁土を使った彫刻作品を制作している。2013年より磁器のブローチやピアス、小皿のアクセサリーブラン「eriko ogata」を開始。
1982 Born in Tokyo, Japan
2005 Graduated from the Musashino Art University, Tokyo
2007 Graduated from Greenwich House Pottery, New York
2007 Works as a ceramic sculptor after return to Japan
2013 Established accessaries brand “eriko ogata”
2015 Exhibition “Two Triangles, a Hexagram”
2016 Exhibition “Crossed fingers”; “Cabinet”
2018 Exhibition “Dolls”; “Circo”; “Between the Head and the Hat”
2019 Exhibition “every single stitch”
2020 Exhibition “play time”
Ogata enjoys observing people, especially those who wearing hats. To Ogata, the hat is an extension of the human head. She believes imagination is running vividly in the covered mysterious space between the hat and the head. She is very curious in knowing the private world of the hatted man. These hatted men inspire her in the creation of Portrait Brooch Series.