今 井 律 湖
Ceramic artist based in Mashiko, Japan.
Ritsuko Imai studied the basics of arts such as pottery and photography when she was in college in England. In 2011, she returned to Japan and practiced her pottery creation in Mashiko ceramic school. She values casting what comes from her inner side and what naturally comes within, not copying someone else’s work or trend. Her artwork is often unidentifiable for purpose, like something excavated from ancient ruins.
1984 Born in Gunma, Japan
2003 Started pottery at college when studying abroad in England
2011 Graduated from ceramic school in Mashiko, Tochigi, Japan
2015 Ceramic exhibition “Family” ~ Tokyo
2016 Exhibition “Tenoyukue” ~ Kamakura
Exhibition “ShinShin” ~ Osaka
2017 Ceramic exhibition ~ Tokushima, Saitama, Chiba
2018 Exhibition “What if the poem were water…”
Kyoto Tsutaya Books
2019 Ceramic exhibition ~ Osaka & Tokyo
2020 Spring Exhibition ~ Toyko